Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Breaking down Will and Jada

I just posted a couple of months ago on how Jada and Will Smith were so in love and a power couple, now the talks and rumors of divorce are for certain , WOW.

Jada pinkett if we must start with her, even though she is not the biggest star in this equation was a actress on Different world , when Will Smith was trying to break into acting - Jada had already made it . Jada probably used to see Will and think - hmm he is cute and talented , but just not my type .

I wonder why in a the interviews they all did together - heck even separate , they would aways say things like " our sex life is on fire - yeah baby " and you gotta admit that they made us envy there chemistry and whatever else that they shared . It seems there were smitten over each other . Enter the rumors of swinging relationship tryst - Jada having a past and Will having rumors swirl about homosexuality. It started to make every one out the outside looking in wonder if their fairytale relationship was just a sham .

After all they shared a the same interest in the arts - acting and music and the same philosophy on marriage - TILL DEATH DUE US PART - but that was not enough to hold the dynamic duo together . I will not bring the kids into this breakdown even though it played a factor into there crumbling marriage. Could you imagine trying to manage a family of superstars , seems fun - but Being an industry insider - one knows better. I have heard alot of statements of people saying if WILL and JADA can't make it who can . Money does not always make everything better . It cause's more problems . Maybe Will thought he was ready for an around the way type woman and maybe Jada thought she could handle Her fresh prince of Bel-air - but in the end maybe they should have should have gotten to know each other better instead of concentrating on the physical - threesomes and affairs don't offer any outlet for love to grow , it plays on insecurity and jealousy enters the picture. Take a note from their relationship ,..hopefully they will work it out - but its not looking good .

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