Friday, January 20, 2012

Jayz and Beyonce to film video in space!

"Beyonce and Jay-Z seemed the obvious option. Everything is
Jay-ZCover of Jay-Z

Beyonce Knowles and Jay-Z could be the first artists to record a music video in space.

Music executives have reportedly been discussing the possibility of filming on one of Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic spaceships - due to launch later this year - and the couple are seen as the perfect choice to set a global first.

Beyoncé Knowles performing "Listen" ...Image via Wikipedia
The video would be shot at the time when the crafts - which seat six people and blast 70,000ft into the earth's atmosphere - reach a point that allows passengers six minutes of weightlessness.

A source told The Sun newspaper: "The label people have been talking about making a music video in space.

being done to make it happen."
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