Friday, March 23, 2012

Stand your ground law - is it really fair?

What is the definition of insanity?

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. We hear it all of the time when it comes to abusive relationships, but some how it is silent when it comes to dealing with the court system concerning injustice against a black victim.

 Nothing has changed from the time of Emmitt Til when he was murdered for no reason other then being black. There is nothing wrong with the Stand Your Ground Law it is your human right to defend yourself.

George Zimmerman didn't wait for the red tape before he acted so why does it seem to apply in seeking justice for Trayvon Martin.

You simply use the same rules in seeking equal justice. George Zimmerman is a threat to all black people so stop wasting time trying to get his arrest. If he is arrested he will be subjected to a mostly white jury who will most likely acquit him. If he is convicted he will be sent to prison under protective custody guarded by the KKK presence already in the Florida correctional system and will not suffer.

Under normal circumstances where someone is absolutely threatening your life, the “Stand Your Ground Law” makes sense. I’m wondering if the legislators that created this law could foresee the issues in the grey areas of this law.
This law allows for the officers at the crime scene to decide whether or not a situation called for self-defense. The officers at Trayvon’s crime scene were confident that Zimmerman didn’t need to be convicted. The Sanford Police were way too quick in deciding that he didn’t need to be arrested that they didn’t even consider the questionable evidence that stacked up against Zimmerman. Anytime you’re dealing with iffy evidence like this case has presented, the shooter should still be arrested and the court makes the final decision.
According to the Huffington Post, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement statistics show that before the “Stand Your Ground Law” was enacted in 2005, there were about 13 justified killings each year by citizens from 2000 to 2005. Between 2006 and 2010, the average has risen to 36 justified killings each year. This just proves that if you give people the right to kill, they will kill. Point. Blank. Period. With Zimmerman’s repeated 911 calling history, I bet he was sitting around with his phone in his hand with “911″ already typed in as soon as the “Stand Your Ground Law” passed.

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