Friday, May 11, 2012

Breaking News!!! Little Boosie found NOT GUILTLY

You can officially wipe boosie down , because According to KSLA News the 29 year old rapper just beat a murder charge
Back in 2009 Boosie was charged with first degree murder when officials believe he hired Michael "Marlo Mike" Louding to kill Terry Boyd, 35, who was shot to death through a window while inside his home. While many people want them to free Boosie he's currently serving an 8 year sentence for drugs but at least he dosent have to add 20 years on to that sentence

"This case not about Boosie, but who's being tried first?" Williams asked. "Not the man who says he killed six people."
He went on to state there is no proof Hatch had beef with Terry Boyd. He said the task force that was created needs a big arrest to keep going and then asked, "What's bigger than a rapper going down for murder?" He told the jury no one followed up on the lead Terry Boyd's mother gave, until last year. By that time, the man she told them to talk to was dead. Officers also said they never read the Terry Boyd file, but they were investigating.
Boyd had 15 old scars on his body from bullet wounds. An old bullet was found in him. Williams posed the question, "Was someone coming back to finish what they started?" He said this all started over a letter Lee Lucas supposedly sent telling Hatch that, "Boyd was getting out of prison and he said he's going to 'jack and slap you.'"
"Where is that letter? Why didn't Lee Lucas testify?" the attorney asked.
He also stated lots of lyrics were played, but prosecutors didn't play the one that said f--- Hillar Moore. "Why?" he asked.

Prosecutors were given a chance to speak to the jury one last time and finished around 2 p.m.
The judge then gave jurors instructions and they were sent to deliberate the case.
Defense attorneys for Hatch rested their case Thursday afternoon without calling any witnesses.


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