Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Billboard praises Rock R&B crooner Miguel

Miguel saw his single “Adorn” rise 229 percent after performing at the 2013 Grammy Awards with father-to-be Wiz Khalifa. The breakout single from his raved about album “Kaleidoscope Dream” jumped up 44,000 downloads, according to Nielsen Soundscan. Billboard Magazine caught up with the rising star at his LA home where he revealed the workings behind his Grammy performance, winning the coveted golden gramophone and the hype behind his “collaboration” with Beyonce.
Congrats on winning your first Grammy. Since the award wasn’t televised, where were you when you found out?
I found out in the car as we were pulling up to the red carpet. It was an “Oh, shit” moment. I had my girl with me and it was like, “How crazy is that? And I get to perform?” It was just a great feeling.
Some of the songs are romantic, others are more overtly sexual. How much were inspired by your own seven-year relationship, and what does your girlfriend think of some of those songs? 
“P***y Is Mine” was not her favorite song. That whole song was freestyle. What makes it interesting is the juxtaposition of ego and vulnerability. It’s kind of rolled in this vulnerability, wanting to claim it — “Tell me that it’s mine” — but it’s also out of this vulnerable need: “I want to feel I’m the only one in this moment.” I’ve really been there. It felt like such an honest moment.
An artist you may have worked with is Beyonce. What’s the story behind that photo of you two in the studio last fall?
Have I worked with Beyonce? [laughs] I was really nervous to ask her, that was all, I just asked her to take a photo with me and she was really sweet about it. That’s all I can say. I’ve honestly never worked with Beyonce. It would be awesome, though, I would love that.

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