Thursday, February 14, 2013

Kim and Kanye violate airport security ( Who knew they were that gangster)

Kanye West  and a very pregnant Kim Kardashian  returned from Brazil, and with that, they are now at the center of a TSA investigation after a major security violation at JFK Airport on tuesday To be clear though, while they are involved, they were not responsible for the violation.
The security lapse, it seems was caused by an airline greeter. Kim Kardashian and Kanye West were simply the people the greeter let bypass a security checkpoint. In other words, it could have happened to anyone, but considering it happened to Kimye, it's huge news. Kim and Kanye had taken a flight from Brazil to JFK on Tuesday. The were supposed to catch a connecting flight to Los Angeles.
However, once they landed in New York an airline greeter met them and -- according to the TSA -- allowed them to bypass a key security checkpoint in order to get them to their connecting flight as quickly as possible. 

The bypass was detected, though. After the couple took their seats on the Los Angeles-bound plane, a TSA agent forced them to off-board the flight. The agent then made the pair go through another security check. That extra check forced a flight delay of about an hour.
The TSA issued the following statement:
An airline employee escorted the two travelers through a non-public area in order to provide expedited access to their domestic flight.

In doing so, the airline employee violated security protocols by permitting the travelers to by-pass the TSA security checkpoint. TSA officials learned of the violation and conducted a private screening of the two passengers in the area of the jetway.
The passengers were cleared to board their flight, which departed after a delay of approximately 50 minutes. TSA is actively investigating the incident.
Kim and Kanye eventually made their way to their Los Angeles destination. The employee who breached the security protocol has not been identified yet , but you can bet the house , the car and the kids ,that he is literally slipping and sliding down a razor pole into a swimming pool full of alchol 

That could have really gotten ugly ..................or it just might be already there .

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