Friday, March 15, 2013

Angela Simmons Drops Details On Her New Website & Major Moves To Come

Angela Simmons has been in the spotlight for as long as we all can remember, and for just about that amount time Angela has always kept one solid thing under her belt, a lucrative hustle. 
The latest of her endeavors is the launch of her new lifestyle website, Straying away from the footsteps of celebrity fan pages, and sites of the likes, Angela has created a unique haven for her fans and fashion lovers alike to get an inside look at her world's inner workings. 
GlobalGrind had the opportunity to chat with Angela about her new website and what she hopes to deliver to the world with it. 
Check out what she had to say

My site is a lifestyle site. Beauty fitness fashion, health everything you can name, and I also have a diary on there where I kind of just share all of my thoughts and what is going on. It is very personal and I wanted to be more personable with my fans and to really let them into my mind so I decided to create a diary, a place that is private, but for them to come and explore my mind.
I also have a really cool section on there called ask Angela, a place where my fans can come and ask me anything! If they are having trouble with relationships, or they want to know about health or if they want to know about beauty and what to use on their skin, anything I may miss while putting up stories on my site.

It is a very personal site where my fans get closer to me or someone who is just interested to know about fashion can come. It is a one stop shop.
I have been building this site for about a year and I am happy that it is finally done and it is here. Twitter is cool, but I wanted to find a way that was better to really show them pictures and images, and to just really share my mind and give them places to interact with me. The site is going to be a place where I will be able to showcase new artists, new designers and just up and coming talent. It excites me to have a platform to do that on.

I am actually building an e-commerce portion now as we speak that will be a really cool fashion boutique. There are going to be one of a kind pieces on there and I will be giving away some of the things I wear, or doing stuff for different charities on there.
There is so much that I want to do with the site!

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