Monday, April 15, 2013

AEG Prepared To Uncover DNA Test Results For The King Of Pop ....

A $40 billion legal battle in LA might finally settle a question that has long baffled gossip columnists and fans alike: Who really fathered Michael Jackson’s children?
Sources within AEG — the concert promoter behind Jacko’s ill-fated “This Is It” tour and the entity being sued by Jackson’s mother and the three children for wrongful death — say that, despite the singer’s claims, only one of the kids is biologically his.
The company is prepared to uncover that only Blanket, 10, has the King of Pop’s DNA.
His older siblings, Prince, 16, and Paris, 15, had a different sperm donor, the sources say.
“There was a whole lot that Michael Jackson or 

his family wasn’t and isn’t being forthcoming about,” an AEG source said. “The drug use by Jackson, his use of alcohol, his relationship with his own family, and the identities of the children’s parents.”
Among the evidence AEG could present are sworn affidavits, including one from a mystery woman identified only as “Helena,” who could be Blanket’s mother.
Lawyers for the company also are prepared to present “irrefutable” proof that the Gloved One did not sire Prince and Paris, a source with direct knowledge of the case said. The company is poised to subpoena birth and other records.
Yvette Palazuelos, the presiding judge in the case, earlier this month declined AEG’s request to present evidence about paternity.

 However, the company may be allowed to argue paternity issues later in a potential award phase in the case, which began with jury selection April 2 in LA Superior Court.

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