Friday, March 23, 2012

Say what ? Geraldo Rivera has lost his mind , Speaks out on Zimmerman Killing of Trayvon Martin over hoodie , says he shouldnt have been dressed as a gangster.

courtesy of  Media Matters staff

Trayvon Martin
On the March 23 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends, Fox News contributor Geraldo Rivera reacted to the killing of 17-year-old, unarmed Florida resident Trayvon Martin by neighborhood watch member George Zimmerman by claiming, "I think the hoodie is as much responsible for Trayvon Martin's death as George Zimmerman."
Rivera said: "I believe that George Zimmerman, the overzealous neighborhood watch captain should be investigated to the fullest extent of the law and if he is criminally liable, he should be prosecuted" but went on to claim Martin "wore an outfit that allowed someone to respond in this irrational, overzealous way."

Trayvon's father amidst protesters
"We cannot allow a precedent when a man can just kill one of us ... and then walk out with the murder weapon," said civil rights leader Al Sharpton, flanked by Martin's parents and a stage full of supporters at a rally in Sanford on Thursday night. "We don't want good enough. We want George Zimmerman in court with handcuffs behind his back."

The investigation into last month's shooting death of an unarmed black teenager in an Orlando suburb is out of the hands of the beleaguered police chief and the county prosecutor with the Justice Department looking at possible civil rights violations and a grand jury perhaps considering charges.

Until admitted shooter George Zimmerman is led away in handcuffs, the parents of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin and the civil rights activists and others who have rallied for their cause say they won't be satisfied.


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