Sunday, April 29, 2012

B ball Bad Boy Iverson is in the dog house - Again....

Iverson and his wife in better days
Iverson was a sixer for a while
Allen Iverson's estranged wife is frightened of her husband -- claiming the NBA legend has been harassing her and her family ... and now, she wants a restraining order.

Tawanna Iverson just filed legal docs in the couple's bitter divorce battle -- claiming Allen "has engaged in increasingly contemptuous, threatening, and disturbing behavior" over the last few months ... and she's afraid things will get worse.

Tawanna is asking for a judge to issue a protective order stat. It's unclear whether she wants Iverson to stay away physically, or just stop harassing her.

Tawanna also claims Allen is hiding big money from her -- and she wants a judge to stop him.

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