Saturday, July 14, 2012

Al B Sure pens letter to public on FaceBook about concerns for his safety.

Its been a great while since we have heard any music from Al B Sure , who was once THEE heartthrob in the 80's and 90's . With hits like Night and Day -- who could forget Al. Entertainment industry Moguls, Quincy Jones, Benny Medina, Andre’ Harrell and Eddie F collectively assisted in launching Al B Sure! as one of History’s most innovative writer, producer's in the industry to date . No one quite did it like Al B. So I'm sure there were a lot of jealous men when it came to the singer , because he could snatch your lady off your arm with just a glance in her direction . We all are not strangers to Puffy and his beefs with some of the industry, with Al B being one of them , due to a lovely former model by the name of Kim Porter who also happens to be Al B Sure's child's mother . Puffy has been the acting father to Al's son Quincy for years now even though I am pretty sure AL has been there for his son. Well now Al is ringing the alarm on Puff which so many have done before him. It seems he is concerned for his life and thinks someone is trying to kill him , judging by the open letter he wrote on Face book . Allot of people have called Al B Sure crazy , but that's not the case , he is frightened to say the least and one cannot help but to feel a little sorry for the things unknown to us about this weird situation . Is Puffy trying to kill Al B Sure , well Al B sure seems to think so ....Check out the statement below written by Al B Sure Him self .... and you decide Stay tuned story developing ...BREAKING HEADLINES
Status Update
By Al B Sure
Important Read: I want to say that I love you from the bottom of my heart and I appreciate the consistent love from you over the years musically and all else.

 I am originally a hustler from the streets of Mt. Vernon from very humble beginnings, a loving Mom who made sure I went in 100 % on all and made something of the music craft that Ive loved dearly.

I thank you for sharing it with me over the years. I am just a human being, not perfect but loves hard and appreciates all the God has allowed to happen in my life.

 Even my enemies, specifically the Wealthy ones that can't help but be jealous of me and even the Broke ones that have entered my life with ulterior motives which are most because of my trusting, giving spirit and willingness to help everyone whether they deserved it or not.

 From getting artists record deals and them selling millions of records to helping those from being put out into the street or feeding them when they claim they have no food and I ask for nothing.

 Ive come to find out that there are someone very jealous and "Bad" people out here that you all know, love & worship at times that are so jealous of me and doing some very Bad things to me like stalking my place of rest and even faking as if they are workers for major cable companies etc.

 we all are getting the hint by now. They've have also gotten to people closest to me (X's, co workers, Fakers and plants) by playing games, threatening them to kill them 1st if the turn them in, and or paying them money if they can get me to show up by telling me they are in need and seeing if I'll drop everything to help, as well as offering them things they can't refuse in their desperate lives which makes them complete trash when they accept.
 They've even gone as far as getting them implants, devices and cameras watching me at home and to follow me around and they communicate and feed them lines by walkie talkies to try and set me up etc. Even renting a place in my neighborhood.
The best part of why God is so amazing is that I now know exactly who the idiot(s) are and the fake alias' all are and I wish them all God Speed.
 So FYI: If I (Al B. Sure! Aka Al Brown is found DEAD please contact my attorney Author Aaronson and he will have all of the information on everyone including their own closets emptied out and the main culprit "funding it" all.
Al B Sure and son Quincy
I will share who the key players are with you so as I said if I am found DEAD you will know the who what shortly after.
 Since they seem to think that it's a joke or that I am f**king joking we will find out who's really from Mt. Vernon and not faking it. As I said "Continue to F*** with a hungry, wounded animal in the woods with nothing to lose and you will eventually get eaten... All involved and my favorite Bohdi Bear Rest in my Sons, I love you severely! ABS!!!

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